Blog & News

Official blog of Bangladesh Open Source Network


BdOSN partnering with ICTD for High School Programming Contest

Bangladesh Open Source network (BdOSN) recently became a partner of the ICT Division under Post, Telecom and IT Minitry of the Government of Bangladesh to help them to arrange first ever National High School Programming Contest (NHSPC). The initiative by ICT Division and supported by the telecom operator, Robi aims to create awareness among the high school students towrads computer programming. For this a nationwide campaign will be launched on 29th April will which cover all 64 district. The regional competion, will be held in 7 Division and Dhaka city, will be held from 8th to 23rd May.


Leadership Workshop held

Any people could be a leader if he or she tried some rules and make his/herself a risk taker. The opinion has been emerged in a training workshop title Dream Big - Personal Leadership for Young Entrepreneurs!” on 24th April 2015. The workshop was organized by "Chakri Khujbo Na Chakri Debo", the entrepreneurship platform of BdOSN. Mr Javed Pervez, Vice President of Robi Ajizta limited conducted the workshop attend by more than 30 entrepreneurs and would be entrepreneurs. After presenting his thought and ideas Mr Javed responses the questions from the audiences.

More on this in the below link