Take Back The Tech- Bangladesh Chapter
Take Back The Tech, is a global, collaborative campaign project that highlights the problem of tech-related violence against women, together with research and solutions from different parts of the world. The campaign offers safety roadmaps and information and provides an avenue for taking action.
In today’s digital world, with the help of information technology, economic activities are increasing rapidly with the scope of work. Bangladeshi women are not left behind. As women of our country are growing in the field of information technology, at the same tie violence against women are increasing, which is strong barriers for the society. Keeping this though in mind, to create the awareness among the girls and women about the safe use of internet, BdOSN is working as the partner of a global campaign project name “Tae Back The Tech” from 2014. Take Back The Tech is a global collaborative campaign project that highlights the problem of tech-related violence against women, together with research and solutions for different parts of the world. The campaign offers safety roadmaps and information and provides as avenue for taking actions.
Take Back the Tech, leads several campaigns at various points in the year, but the biggest annual campaign takes place during 16 Days of Activism Against Gender-Based Violence (25 Nov - 10 Dec). From 2014 to till now BdOSN has celebrated the 16 days activities in every year under this campaign.