Blog & News

Official blog of Bangladesh Open Source Network


Programming 2016 : Crash course on programming held in Chittagong

A 8 days long programming crash course was held in Chittagong from 1st March to 8th March. The course covered the issues of C/C++, data structure, discrete math, basic algorithm and problem solving technique.  Chittagong Junior Coder in association with BdOSN organized the coding crash course.

The course facilitated by Towfiqul Islam, Fohadullah Mezbah, Rashid Al Shafee and Arif Haider. Students also learn how to participate in a online contest.

As part of its celebrating Programmig 2016 activities, BdOSN in association with different organization arranges workshop, course and training programme in different areas of the country.

Photos of the event are avaialble here.