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Official blog of Bangladesh Open Source Network


Understanding and hard working is necessary for programming career

Programmer Jhankar Mahmud said that not only hardworking but also understanding and acquiring the necessary skills are equally important for a programming career. While talking in a Programming Adda by BdOSN, the US based programmer asked the newbie's to devote themselves to know the basics first. He said that solid foundation is very essential for any language. However, he assures that it is not absolutely necessary to have a CS degree to become a programmer.

As part of the celebration "Programming 2016" BdOSN arranged this seminar on 26th February, Friday at Bisso Sahitto kendra, Dhaka. More than 100 enthusiastic students and fresh graduates listen to him.

Mr Mahbub recenly wrote a book on programming titled "হাবলুদের জন্য প্রোগ্রামিং" (Programming for dummies) and answered different questions after his presentation.

Mr Promi Naheed, Treasurer of BdOSN welcome the audience in the programme.

The programme was sponsored by FM plastic.