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Official blog of Bangladesh Open Source Network

Three Day camp on Python Held with 120 Students

Over the past few years, python has emerged as the most standard language for solving problems. Python is considered as the most popular and in-demand programming language. Some survey revealed that Python has taken over languages such as Java, C, C++ and has made its way to the top. Asides from being computer programmer, a problem solver needs to be skilled in latest programming language. From that concept, Bangladesh Open Source Network (BdOSN) organized a camp on python language for girls on 20 August to 22 August 2020.

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This was a three day long python camp which involve around 120 students from different Universities and Colleges, developers of BDApps team and the interested female students around the country. The duration of this full workshop was six hours. This camp was organized to provide an intensive mentoring to the students who are studying in Computer Science and Engineering Department. The aim of this programming camp was to make our female graduates’ expert and skilled in python language. Through this camp students had learned how to use python in problem solving. This camp include - Basic python, Web App overview, Django Framework, and so on.

It is noted that, this workshop was arranged under three years project of BdOSN titled ESDG4BD. The main objective of this camp was to skill up our girls to beat the modern world of technology and to make them as a hard competitor in current job market.