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Global Arduino's officially start in Bangladesh

Bengali language has been added to the certification program of open source hardware and software and the world's most popular development board manufacturer 'Arduino'. In other words, along with the languages ​​of eight countries of the world, one can also take part in this technical certificate examination in Bangla and get the certificate.

Saturday 29th August, it was organized on the online platform Zoom. State Minister for ICT Junaid Ahmed Palak inaugurated the program. Speaking as the president of the program, Professor. Muhammad Zafar Iqbal, Arduino Co-Founder and CTO David Cuartiles, Business Development Manager of Code 19, Mr. Imtiaz Farhan Bin Habib, Founder of IoT for Bangladesh, Dr. Imran Md. Amin and Mahbub Zaman of Promoted Bangladesh Digital Device Manufacturing Association. In addition, Arduino's business developer Massimo Sacchi highlighted various aspects of Arduino's industrial use and its potential in Bangladesh.

The event was introduced and hosted by Munir Hasan, General Secretary of Open Source Network in Bangladesh. He discussed the total agenda of the event.

State Minister Junaid Ahmed Palak said, `Arduino's journey to create a digital innovation ecosystem will have a greater impact. Arduino will also be involved in the School of Future activities undertaken by the ICT department.’

zunaid ahmed palak mp

David Quartiles, one of Arduino's co-founders and CTO, said that in addition to receiving the certificate, the world-class company will work to build a skilled workforce in Bangladesh's technical sector and a hardware hub for Internet of Things in 2025. He hopes that the students of Bangladesh will be directly involved in the design and development of any new board or product of Arduino. 


Business Development Manager of Code 19, Mr. Imtiaz Farhan Bin Habib said that `code19 believes in technology and social change. Our only goal is to bring technology to people's doorsteps.’

Professor Dr. Muhammad Zafar Iqbal exclaimed, `It is not enough to just use our fingers to write the code, we have to use both hands." We have to find new possibilities by using hardware. He said, referring to the first time he heard of Arduino's "magic board" during a trip to the MIT lab that can be worked with Arduino's other boards, materials and software.’

Mahbub Zaman of the Bangladesh Digital Device Manufacturing Association said that, Arduino is not only a board, it's a total technology.  Bangladesh is a land of innovators and young innovators, our aim is to help us to figure out the course of action of digital devices.

The event was organized by Australia-based IT company Code-19, Bangladesh Open Source Network (BDOSN) and IoT for Bangladesh.

Arduino will work with Australia-based IT company Code-19, Bangladesh-based IT training company Bangladesh Open Source Network (BDOSN) and IoT for Bangladesh. In the meantime, 60 graduates have been trained on basic Arduino and IoT effectiveness with the Bangladesh Hi-Tech Park Authority. The trainees continue to strive for international certification.