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Official blog of Bangladesh Open Source Network

Bridging Our Female Students in ICT Based Workplace: BdOSN at Green University

We are living in such an era where life is just nothing without the basic knowledge of technology. In fact, it is very hard to survive in the job market without IT based education. To compete with the new era we have to be prepared. For this it is very much important to train up our younger generation. By thinking all of these, Bangladesh Open Source Network (BdOSN) organized a daylong Event on 24th February at Green University of Bangladesh.

During the program, DR. ASM Shihabuddin, Chairperson, Department of Computer Science & Engineering and Redwan Ferdous, Country Coordinator, World Robotic Olympiad was present there. Besides, DR. Ahmed Al Mansur, Associate Professor, D.M Asaduzzaman, Lecturer, Department of Computer Science & Engineering was also present there. All of them from the university appreciate the initiative of BdOSN.

To show the way to a better future BdOSN designed three different sessions like IoT Camp, ICT Camp & Career Talk. Almost one hundred students from different departments of the university participated in this daylong event. The program began with a hands on workshop on IoT, where almost fifty five students from the computer science and engineering department of the university participated there. In the workshop our mentors provide some basic knowledge on hardware tools. The participants got familiar with basic electronics sensors and also they got an opportunity to test the sensors. The program was ended through an ICT camp & carrier talk with the participation of nearly one hundred students from different departments. The camp was run by Redwan Ferdous, Country Coordinator of World Robotic Olympiad. Addressing the students, he said “To improve in all the sectors of the country we need to educate our girls more, basically in the ICT sector. If we can keep pace, success will come must.”

The aim of Bangladesh Open Source Network (BdOSN) is to prepare the youth for the upcoming challenges. They organized all these activities for the students who are studying in Information & Technology under the 3 years long ESDG4BD project, so that they do not fall behind for the lack of proper skills and guidance.