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A Friendly Environment in Workplace will Accelerate Women’s Participation in Technology: Opinion in the Free Dialogue

A Friendly Environment in Workplace will Accelerate Women’s Participation in Technology: Opinion in the Free Dialogue

Mutual respect among men and women helps the society to grow, it also plays an important role in building a workplace in a feminine working environment. By eliminating the social constraints, who set the brilliant example of success at workplace should spread their story to encourage the others. This opinion has emerged that in a free dialogue titled “Women in Technology Workplace”.

This free dialogue was organized by the Bangladesh Open Source Network (BdOSN) and Bangladesh Computer Samity (BCS) in Dhaka on 25th May,2019. The Chief guest of the dialogue, Architect Yeafesh Osman, Minister of Science and Technology, said that there has been unprecedented improvement in the last decade. As a result, there is a lot of good work for both men and women, but still women are lag behind specially in science-technology and Information technology. He thinks that the situation will improve in the next five years due to multiple projects and initiatives of the government.

The special guest of the ceremony, Deputy Minister of Education, Barrister Mohibul Hasan Chowdhury said, Bangladesh has signed a male movement beside women. Therefore, in the field of women-friendly work environment, the men will also play a leading role. He informed that the  students of SSC-HSC and even higher-level female students have done better result in many cases compared to the boys. But in addition to social factors, lack of role models and the absence of the make mistakes, women’s participation in the workplace is relatively less in amount. It is possible to increase their participation if these factors are removed from society. He expressed the opinion that the importance of mutual respect among men and women should be emphasized from the primary stage.

In the beginning of the dialogue, two articles were presented by Associate Professor of North-South University, Nova Ahmed and MIT graduate Tamanna Islam. Tamanna Islam, in her article, explained the low tendency of women participation in the International Mathematical Olympiad in Bangladesh. She said that, there is social trend that mathematic and science are only for boys. So, despite having the skills, women cannot move forward. On the other-hand Nova Ahmed spoke at the seminar on “Supporting Missing Daughter”. She highlighted on socio-economic issues. She also said that presenting roll model, networking with successful people, arranging girls camp and competition and ensuring the information access for women can increase their participation in the field of technology. In her article, it is seen that in the field of education there is a lot of equality among men and women, but the number of women present in the workplace is not yet seen. 29% of female students in differeny universities and colleges are currently studying on ICT related issues. The number of girls in this workplace is less than 12% now and the number of ICT women entrepreneurs is less than 2%.

After this, Farzana Chowdhury, Managing Director and CEO of Green Delta Insurance Limited, Lafifa Jamal, Chairperson of Robotics and Mecatronics Engineering Department of Dhaka University, Samira Juberi Himika, CEO of Gigatech limited, Shaila Rahman, General Manager and Head of Core and Service Project Technology CEO of Grameenphone took part in a panel discussion. Speakers said that various initiatives have been taken separately now. Coordination of these activities are necessary besides legal rights supports of professional women. At one point, newly graduated Fatema Tuz Zohra said- internship at an institution has made it possible for her to show her skill. As a result, she got the opportunity to work permanently in that company. That’s why she urged to strengthen the internship culture in the country.

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Additional Secretary and skill for the Government and Executive Project Director of skill for Employment Investment Program, Jalal Ahmed and Janata Bank Chairman Luna Samsuddoha were present as special guests in the dialogue. The Open Dialogue was conducted by Bangladesh Open Source Network’s General Secretary Munir Hasan and presided over by Bangladesh Computer Samity President MA Shahid-Ul-Munir.

In addition to dialogue, the project titled “Enabling Sustainable Development Goals of Bangladesh for2030-BdOSN” was inaugurated. The project theme on behalf of the Bangladesh Open Source Network is “Increasing Women participation in the ICT Sector of Bangladesh”. It is worth mentioning that the project of Bangladesh Open Source Network is the overall supervision by the Foundation for Humanity and guided by a donor organization based on the Netherlands. Within 2021, four thousand female students across the country will be covered under this project through various activities including skill development training camps, career talk, ICT entrepreneur development assistance, mentorship, internship etc.