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Official blog of Bangladesh Open Source Network

Online Contest is a Remarkable solution for building skills on Programming

About 1,000 computer graduates come out every year in our country. Not everyone wants to be a programmer. Thousands of students study in a 4-year graduation course in computer science. Out of them, only 3,000 students come into programming. Where the number of female programmers is absolutely negligible. Which is difficult to express with percentage. But by 2020, around a million knowledge workers in the world will be needed, most of them will programmers. 

However, the situation has improved somewhat. Women are currently coming forward in programming. Programming among women is going to target a positive concept. The participation of women in various competitive programming contests is notable. Bangladesh Open Source Network (BdOSN) celebrated 50 years on the moon on July 23, 2019. A total of 185 students from various institutions across the country participated in an online programming contest where there were about165 female students.

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Crest and certificate were awarded to the first five winners. Tahneema Chowdhury, a runner-up at Contest, said that a competitive programming contest will help women programmers to be master on programming at home. For women programmers who want to work with programming but do not have the same opportunities for social disruption, Online Contest is an easy solution for building skills. She advises all programming interested women to participate in the Contest on such an online platform. Tahnima writes her feelings on her blog-

contest by bdosn

In this age of free information flow, computer programming is one of the most relevant occupations. Although the profession is creative and complex, the diversity in this profession is much greater. Because so far, a total of 701 programming languages ​​have been created. It is possible to work as a programmer in any one language. However, a skilled programmer usually knows and uses 3-5 languages. The profession is very popular and exciting for high income, flexible time and work freedom. Many people think that programming can be taken by the boys as a profession or this field is for them. But no, girls are also coming forward in this profession. And in this case they have many opportunities to do well.