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Official blog of Bangladesh Open Source Network

New World of Work: Struggle Should Begin from Student Life

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All students need to experience the world of work, particularly work of the future, long before they leave their student life. In our country, it is commonly seen that students are almost always engaged in the pursuit of theoretical knowledge in the life of education. Or pay attention to study end. But they are not aware of what to do when this part is paid off. Rather, at the end of their education life, they fall into a confused state where they do not understand what to do. 

They take time to acquire the skills they need in the workplace after their student life for which they do not have enough time. Although male students can overcome this random situation in a very short time, it is not an easy path for female students. Because they have surround impedance. It is often seen that many girls drop out after their education life because of this condition cannot be overcome. Because they are unable to prepare themselves, they are not much visible in the workplace.

From this thinking, a hands on job preparation workshop "A Dream to Guide" was organized on July 27 and 28 July in the initiative of Bangladesh Open Source Network (BDOSN). The workshop was organized in the office of BDOSN with a total of 11 graduate women students. This workshop provides hands-on training on all the skills and concepts a female student needs to have before place herself on the workplace.

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Through this workshop, students get an idea of ​​the soft skills they need to get their dream job. Also find out how much digital literacy can help with their work. From applying for a job, to face an interview board which facts should be kept in mind also denoted in the workshop. In addition to the CV writing methodology, the job application process is discussed with the students.

The workshop was organized under BDOSN's three-year project "Enabling Sustainable Development Goals of Bangladesh for 2030-BdOSN". The BDOSN project will assist women in preparing themselves for workplace by conducting several workshops.