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Official blog of Bangladesh Open Source Network

Celebrating International Youth Day- 2020

“Youth Engagement for Global Action” is the concept of International Youth Day 2020. The essence of this year's theme is to involve the youth in various local, national and international organizations so that they can become more efficient. With this in mind, Bangladesh Open Source Network organized various activities for three days from 12th-14th August, 2020. Enabling the engagement of youth in such formal political mechanisms does raise the fairness of political tasks by turning down democratic deficits, contributes to better and more sustainable policies, and also has symbolic importance that can further contribute to restoring trust in public institutions, especially among youth.

Sayeda Nabila Mahabub, Director of Marketing and Public Relations of Patho said that fear of failing is the main barrier in the way of being successful. if a person is not willing to start something, then he/she can never achieve his/her goal. It does not matter how many times you fail, the thing that matters is how you become successful. One cannot become successful without failing. Failing we help you gather experience and experience will help you to be successful. This year's International Youth Day should be celebrated with this in mind. 

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Afrin Jaman, Google Summer of Code winner 2019 and Grace Hopper Scholar 2020 shared her experiences of the problem she faced and how she overcame it. Hasna Hena Mow, Google CodeU 2019 participant and  Grace Hopper Scholar 2020, shared her journey with BdOSN and how BdOSN helped her to reach the current stage. Sajia Afrin Sultana, Bachelor of Entrepreneurship at Daffodil International University said how she wants to make the ICT and business sector more mutual and how she is trying to do something that will eventually be helpful for the entire nation.

Afrin Jaman asked how a girl should be prepared from her early stage of study before starting her career. Nabila replied in light of her experience that an educational institution would never give you the practical knowledge of the corporate environment. It only provides you with theoretical knowledge. You have to be aware to earn practical experience from your student life. That will help you to get your dream job and the institutional theoretical knowledge will assist you to be on the appropriate track. 

The Program was hosted by Jahanara Amir Jimi, Project Manager and Head of Operations at Bangladesh Open Source Network. She shared her 16 years of experience living Dhaka and how she accomplished the tasks once she thought was impossible. Now she achieved a stable position and advised everyone to never give up.