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Official blog of Bangladesh Open Source Network

A Total of 308 Women Students from Sylhet and Dinajpur Have Been Trained Under the Initiative of BDOSN

A Total of 308 Women Students from Sylhet and Dinajpur Have Been Trained Under the Initiative of BDOSN

Bangladesh Open Source Network (BDOSN) organized various events in Sylhet and Dinajpur to bring women forward for the equality of women in information technology. A total of 5 programming camps, 3 ICT camps and 3 job preparation hands-on training workshops were held at various institutions in Sylhet and Dinajpur to increase women's participation in the technology workforce by creating women's interest and skill development. This huge event started on September 14 and September 22 with an ICT camp in Dinajpur.

The event begins at 9am on 14 September with Grace Hopper Girls Programming Camp at Metropolitan University in Sylhet. A total of 45 women students from the university's computer science and technology department participated in the two-day camp. In addition, the same programming camp was organized on September 15 and 16 at Dinajpur, attended by a total of 18 women students at Haji Mohammad Danesh University of Science and Technology, and 44 women students participated in the programming camp at Leading University in Sylhet on September 16 and 17. Grace Hopper Girls Programming Camp was also held at North East University and Shahjalal University of Science and Technology. 41 students attending on September 18 and 19 at North East University and with 20 participants this camp was conducted on September 20 and 21 at Shahjalal University of Science and Technology. At the camp, students begin training on the basic concepts of programming, from basic concepts to participation in programming contests. At the end of each camp, students participate in an online programming contest. The crests and certificates were awarded to the first three winning students in the contest.


On the other hand, 30 students at Metropolitan University on September 16, 36 female students at Haji Mohammed Danesh University of Science and Technology on September 21 and 40 women and men students in Dinajpur city on the same day participated in a day-long ICT camp. Where students came to know about the importance of technological skill in the workplace and various techniques. Getting the idea students expressed interest in entering the workplace by acquiring basic skills in information technology.

In addition, a hands on training workshop was held on September 16 in Metropolitan University with the participation of 28 women students. In addition, on September 17, Leading University and North East University on September 18, a total of 26 students were participated in three separate workshops where students took hands-on training on the skills and tactics needed to present themselves in the workplace.


It is important to note that under the project 'Enabling Sustainable Development Goals for Bangladesh 2030-ESDG4BD' Bangladesh Open Source Network (BdOSN) is conducting activities with graduate and postgraduate level female students across the country to encourage women in information technology and increase women's participation in the information technology workplace.