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Official blog of Bangladesh Open Source Network


Take Back The Tech Held in Khulna

While violence against women keeps rising in the cyber world, different nonprofit organizations and community activists are coming forward to raise awareness on the issue and help women be safer online. “Take back the tech: Reclaiming ICTS To End Violence Against Women” is one of such initiatives held in Khulna, on the 14th November. Take Back The Tech, Khulna Chapter - BdOSN and Google’s Women Will Khulna chapter arranged this seminar on online security and discussed the best practices to remain safe online.

Bangladesh Open Source Network (BdOSN) with the support from Internet Society (ISOC) Bangladesh Dhaka Chapter , has arranged this session at Project Head Office, Khulna. 114 students from different universities attended the session and shared their experiences and stories with unpleasant incidents on online.

Domain experts shared tips on enhancing security while also highlighting the possible actions that can be taken when harassed, threatened or hacked. Sharmin Kabir, Program Officer of BdOSN discussed the purpose of TBTT and the support framework it provides. Abu Ashraf Masnun, a senior software engineer highlighted on the technical aspects of online security. Shuvro Pal, the convenor of Women Techmakers Khulna co-ordinate the event and shared his insights.

Procheta Nag, a student from CSE, Khulna University shared her experience of getting hacked and the ways she followed to get rid of this trouble with the audiences. The audiences were very much participatory and wished to have such more events in Khulna in future.