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Research on Building Skilled Stuffs for Call Centers (Bangla) with Appropriate Languages and Training

Language and communication barriers are some common problems for the BPO industry in Bangladesh. It has also been found in some recent studies that if we can emphasize on the ‘call center jargon’, the call centers agents' communication will be more easier and convenient. There are some contents available on the internet but these are not enough to meet our contextual problems. So, it needs to study from the baseline of the usage and demand of the respective language and develop a complete and contextual guide.

In this circumstance, we need to identify the language barriers and develop a suitable discourse for the abovementioned group of people. Keeping that in mind, we are conducting a thourough research in association with the ICT Dividion of Bangladesh Government in the related fields aiming to develop a proper content that would be effective to create a resourceful staffs and harness the development of BPO in Bangladesh.

Data Collection: Call Center Visit & Focus Group Discussion

We visited 4 call centers located in Dhaka named- FIFO Tech, Winmill Bangladesh, My Outsourcing Limited and Genex Infosys.

At the FIFO Tech, two of us visited and stayed there for one and thirty minutes while we were busy with the observation, recording and taking notes on the conversation the stuff were having with the customers/clients on other side of the headphones.  The stuffs made all outbound calls while they were taking guidelines from a written script on screen.

On the other hand, during our visit for one and twenty minutes at the Winmill Bangladesh, we observed both inbound and outbound calls and followed the similar tools to record the raw data.

Moreover, in the My Outsourcing Limited, we observed 10 inbound calls and took notes the necessary. We arranged a FGD with 7 females and 1 male where the participants discussed with the challenges they faced initially and the lacking should be met up soon. They have been in this service for 7 month to more than one year and thus we have got a different opinion from them. (See the attachment C for FGD questions). We also conducted a FGD at Genex Infosys in participation of 7 male employees there. Along with one Assistant Training Manager and one Assistant Quality Assurance Manager, there were 5 call center agents who are in this job for the last 3-4 years.

In the inbound calls, the stuffs were attending a call on demand and continuing the conversation based on the client’s queries.

The purpose of the visit was to observe the real conversation between the call centers stuff and the customer/ client. This enriched our understanding of the practical discourse in a call centers.

Apart from call center visit & FGD, we have analyzed call centers audio files, studied literatures and met with linguistics to get an insightful data on this. However, we hope successfully completion of this research would be a potential resource for BPO industry and help it to take to the next level.