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Official blog of Bangladesh Open Source Network

Obak Kutuhole 2: Take Rural Girls a Step Forward to the Field of Science and Technology

Obak Kutuhole 2: Take Rural Girls a Step Forward to the Field of Science and Technology

Girls are doing great in all the development field of the country. But unfortunately, rural girls are lag behind, specially in the field of technology. This sector offers great opportunities to access the women in this field easily. Bangladesh Open Source network (BOSN) has running a program named “MISSING DAUGHTER” to bring girls into the limelight of science and technology and encourage them to increase their participations and involvement in this field.

Under this program Bangladesh Open Source Network (BdOSN) and Science Popularization Society, Bangladesh (SPSB) has arranged “OBAK KUTUHOLE” with some rural girls to spread a massage that women can serve the country by building their career in this field. Under this program, rural girls visit the capital city, Dhaka and introduce them with some renowned companies who are working for improving the ICT sector of Bangladesh.

In collaboration with the KAZI IT, Obak kutuhole was first arranged in 22nd and 23rd February in this year with 73 girls from two rural schools of Pabna and Soriyotpur. In continuation of this event, last 5th and 6th April 38 girls from 5 different schools of Rangpur and Mymensing visited the Dhaka city. Those schools were Pakuria Sharif High School, Haragach Bohumukhi High School, Sarai Munsipara High School and Morneya High School from Rangpur and Choronikhola High School, Issorganj from Mymensing.


The journey of Obak Kutuhole has started by visiting some historical place of Bangladesh like Jatiya Sangsad Bhaban, Central Shaheed Miner, Dhaka University area. A short brief about the historical background of these places were given by the volunteers of Obak Kutuhole. Girls also visited the Nagorik Tv and ICT company Kazi IT. Students passed few times in KAZI IT Center with full enjoyment and enthusiasm. Participants sat for a short counselling session with some female employee of KAZI IT Center. They encouraged the rural girls to enhance their knowledge on ICT sector.

KAZI IT is the main contributor of Obak Kutuhole, who are working for encouraging women and girls to take ICT as career. They envolve themselves from the beginning of the event “Obak Kutuhole”. The girls from the first round of this program are in observation by the mentors assigned from Kazi IT. They instruct and encourage those rural girls.

The girls from second round were taken to the National Museum of Science and Technology on the 2nd day of journey in 6th April. Marsuda Akter Momota, a student of Haragach Bohumukhi High School Rangpur, amazed at the practical experiment of science and the collection of the skeleton of Dinosaurs. They also visited the Grameenphone Center the leading mobile operator company in the Bangladesh. They learned how Grameenphone works and manage their work., know about GP’s practices and prospects in ICT and telecom sector. They were also visited Krishibid Institute.


Hasan Alamgir, assistant teacher of Charanikhola High School, Issorganj said that, “Obak Kutuhole is a great initiative for rural girls that will help them to discover themselves and this trip may amplify their inner power and enthusiasm”. He requested the authority to bring more girls under this event.

Bangladesh Open Source Network (BdOSN) has decleared to bring 200 rural girls under this program as the part of Missing Daughter project in this year.