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Jhangkar Mahbub Conducted a Seminar On Programming

The world is changing fast. Removing CNG - Uber is getting popula. YouTube-TikTalk is running to finish TV-Radio. On such a fast-changing day, Change should be brought in programming education.   A preparatory seminar have been organized in Dhaka.

The seminar titled 'Learn Programming for Future' was held at Dipanpur, at Kataban in the capital at three o'clock on 17 August, 2019 . The seminar was run by Jhankar Mahbub, a popular programming book writer and senior web developer at Nielsen Company in Chicago, USA. 

At the seminar, about 60 programming enthusiasts participated in the seminar.

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Jhankar Mahbub discussed about the position and the requirements of programming in the future. He said, "Five to seven years from today, the use of technology will increase in all areas of life. Technology is also associated with creativity. If you cannot improve your skills in line with that technology, then you have to fall behind.

Jhankar Mahbub added, "If someone is stuck in the same place for being the best, the second person who is always trying to take his skills one step further, will one day hit him." Jhunkar Mahboob answers all the questions on the Seminar. Responding to a question about the impact of academic study of programmers in the workplace, he said that skills of programming is one of the main conditions for joining the workplace. Big Companies like Google, Microsoft etc. have chosen those skilled people who are tremendous in problem solving with coding.

Jhangkar Mahbub also said that technology is now getting smarter through artificial intelligence. After some time the use of robots will increase in all tasks. But the human brain also needs to run this robot, which will exploit the robot through programming. Therefore, advanced programming requires skilled manpower to adapt itself to advanced technology.

Munir Hasan, general secretary of the Bangladesh Open Source Network, said that interest in programming should be grown from the school level. Not for just learning, problem solving by coding can be a major challenge for future skilled programmers.

Adorsho Boi has sponsored the seminar.