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IoT Boot Camp Held in Dhaka

The importance and demand of Internet of Things (IoT) has rapidly been increasing around the world. To grab this opportunity to build country’s strength on it, there is no alternate way rather working to hone university students’ skills and inspire the high school students to come forward to this field.  

Maksudul Alam Science Laboratory (MAS Lab) in association of Bangladesh Open Source Netwrok (BdOSN) and Society for the Population of Science, Bangladesh (SPSB) celebrated its first boot camp of IoT Fiesta on 5-7 October at Daffodil International University. After regional workshops at 14 educational institutions, 36 students had participated for the boot camp. In the closing ceremony, the former dean of the Department of Engineering of the university Professor Aminul Korim handed over the certificates to the participants. Besides, the former professor of BUET Mr. Jasimujjaman, the CEO of Computer Services Limited Mr. Momluk Sabir Ahmed, the Director & CEO of Datsoft M. Manjur Mahmud, the head of the Department of CSE of the university Professor Sayd Akhter Hossen and the General Secretary of BdOSN Mr. Munir Hasan graced the stage on the ceremony.

The Director of the camp Redwan Ferdous shared, from the 11 Basic Arduio Camps organized in different 11 institutions, we selected 42 participants where 35 students including 8 female students successfully completed the camp. The first day of the camp was visiting different technology companies where these participants got a hands-on experience to work with IoT. He also shared, ‘the participants had a successful demonstration of making smart phone and some other such small devices using the Rasberry pie at the camp.

The organizers shared that the second boot camp of IoT will be organized after having 5 more workshop around the country.