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Conquer Your Fear and Be the Best Version of Yours: Workshop held to Nail an Interview

Most of the time delivering your best in the interview is not possible because of your fear, anxiety, and nervousness that limits you. If you want to get hired for your dream job, then you have to turn your anxiety to your excitement to overcome your fear. To build confidence among our girls to prepare for any job, Bangladesh Open Source Network (BdOSN) organized a workshop on 27 June 2020 titled “Best Version of You VS Interview”

Around 30 female participants from all over the country took part in this workshop. Most of them are struggling to build their career. This workshop was aimed at building their confidence so that they can give their best to grab their job and make a large contribution to the economy along with their economic empowerment.

shahana sharmin

The workshop was facilitated by Shahana Sharmin, who is working on a skill development program at BRAC. She has also been working for a long time in various development sectors including digital entrepreneurship, telecommunications, information technology, startup ecosystem, etc.

Throughout the workshop, she encouraged the girls to enter the workplace and gave them various instructions to prepare themselves. She also answered various questions about our participants about the position and opportunities of women in the current workplace. She started the session by listening to the problems that our participant experienced during any interview. Most of the participants admit their weakness in facing an interview. They express their problems with the nervousness to face an interview and asked some suggestions to get over from this problem.

Before discussing remove nervousness, Shahan Sharmin explained that why any participant got nervous. She cited overthinking the environment of the interview board, memorizing some random questions, and low confidence as reasons. She suggested our girls bring belief in themselves that they have the potentials to contribute any job with their skills and knowledge. She said, “Don’t think that interviewer knows everything. You are the best from your side. So, answer confidently what they ask. Confidence only comes if you have the belief that your contribution can be able to add limitless value to the organization. Convince them with your boldness that you have that quality of proving yourself with your skills and dedication to work. That will make you confident and you can give your best”. She added, “Expand on your skillset. Learn the newest and latest technologies. Don’t limit the spirit of learning and embrace what you are”. She suggested practicing with friends before leaving for an interview. She said, “We take time to cope with the new environment. When you practice yourself, the environment of the board never seems unknown to you”. She suggested turning their anxiety into excitement as an excited face give the vibe of confidence. She also suggested them to have a professional look during an interview. She added, “A professional costume is that costume which makes you decent, presentable and sober. So, avoid jewelry and wear any kind of dress that makes you comfortable. That makes real you”.

At the end of the workshop, she also made a summary for easy understanding of the participants. She mentioned the importance of learning latest technologies or skillsets, to do homework about the company and the job description, to have a sober personality, to avoid the overthinking, never switch your job before 2years as it gives the negative impression of you and most importantly grooming themselves to raise their confidence.

Noted that, this workshop was organized under ESDG4BD project of Bangladesh Open Source Network to bring our girls into the working environment.