Blog & News

Official blog of Bangladesh Open Source Network

BdOSN Welcomes New Team in Khulna

The Khulna Chapter of BdOSN arranged a meetup for open source enthusiasts in Khulna on the 14th of November.

The event started with Sharmin Kabir from BdOSN discussing the purpose and activities of BdOSN. Abu Ashraf Masnun, a local open source enthusiast talked about the importance of open source in the technological advancement of the country. Shuvro Pal, a student of MSc in Khulna University hosted a brainstorming session to collect ideas and feedback from the audience. These ideas will be incorporated into the future events of the Khulna Chapter, BdOSN.

The event celebrated the recruitment of new volunteers with a joyful ceremony and a beautiful cake. The event was coordinated by Procheta Nag, a student of CSE, Khulna University.