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BdOSN Career Talk held at DIU

Software is a collection of instructions that enable the user to interact with a computer, its hardware, or perform tasks. Basically, Software is a soul of a computer system. So what can we do with software? Well, the answer is we can do anything with the software. We just have to give the proper instruction for the work needs to be done. How does software relate to happiness? Everyone wants their life to be easier and every piece of software is to make life easier. When life gets easy you get happy.
Bangladesh Open Source Network (BdOSN) organized a BdOSN Career Talk with the title of A Journey Towards "Software" Happiness at 24th September 2017. Jhankal Mahbub moderated the seminar. The seminar was hosted by Daffodil International University and held at Auditorium 71. Jhankar Mahbub shared a lot of ways to get into programming and make themselves worthy of software engineer job.

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Here's some instruction is given below:
1. You have to have a target plan. Where you want to see yourself after a specific time.
2. You need to have various types of source for learning. Like you are reading a PDF but it's not too hard to get bored by doing the same thing for hours when you get bored you can also learn by watching videos.
3. You have to hold yourself back when you are learning. When you are using Facebook or any kind of social network along with learning you can give your full concentration on learning.
4. You have to control a limited amount of your learning. It can be one hour or two hours. That moment you shouldn't let technology or anything outside control you.
5. Get help from the student who knows more than you. If they don't help you then do some work for them for growing the bonding between you and him.
6. Create a GitHub account and upload all of your code on GitHub. Almost all the jobs available on the market require Job experience. You might not have job experience at first, but you have your GitHub for showing them that you can do the work.
7. Last but not the least, You have to give yourself a prize for finishing a task.

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Approximately 500 students attended the seminar. Munir
Hasan, General Secretary of BdOSN and Syed Maruf Reza, Associate Professor and Head of Faculty of Business & Economics was also present at the seminar.
Syed Maruf Reza said, "BdOSN is doing a fantastic working with organizing this type of seminar that inspires students to push their limits on learning."