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Student shared their thought about Girls in ICT Day Celebration

'Luna Shamshuddoha Girls in ICT Day Celebration' was held on June 6, 2024, at Tala, Sakhira

As part of the SISGCA project, the 'Luna Shamshuddoha ICT Girls' celebration was held on June 6, 2024, at Shahid Ali Ahmad Government High School and Shahid Kamel Model High School, Sahira Tala.

The Luna Shamshuddoha Girls in ICT Day Celebration serves as a platform for female students, professionals, and business owners to engage, connect, learn, and establish a supportive community within their respective circles. Various activities will be organized to highlight women's research and career interests in computing and related fields. The event aims to empower Bangladeshi women by showcasing their talents, equipping them with essential skills, and exploring diverse career opportunities in the ICT sector.

Through this celebration, we aspire to enhance the representation of women in the industry and foster a more inclusive and diverse environment for ICT professionals in our country. Our objective is to drive positive societal change by advocating for gender equality and empowering women and girls through ICT. The Luna Shamshuddoha Girls in ICT Day Celebration marks a significant stride towards a brighter and more inclusive future for Bangladeshi women, where their potential and contributions in the ICT sector are recognized and valued.

Approximately 70 female students participated in the event, sharing insights about their experiences and aspirations in the ICT field. Their enthusiasm was palpable upon learning about the significant contributions of women to the tech industry. During the session, a few students also shared their personal stories and journeys.