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Official blog of Bangladesh Open Source Network

Teacher performing their task during the robotics session

Teacher training on STEM education held on 26 and 27 June at Rampal, Bagerhat

A two-day teacher training workshop on programming and robotics was organized under the initiative of Rampal Upazila administration. Co-hosts were Bangladesh Open Source Network - BdOSN, Bangladesh Freedom Foundation-BFF and Malala Fund.

A total of 20 teachers from 20 schools of the upazila were present in the workshop. A curriculum is developed to create interest among students in coastal region schools in programming and robotics. There are various activities in programming and robotics, all parts of which students can do hands-on. In continuation of this, in this workshop, the curriculum is discussed in detail among the teachers and training is given using all kinds of related materials. Munir Hasan Sir joined the online part of the workshop, during which he discussed various topics with the teachers and answered their various questions.

Rampal Upazila Executive Officer Rahima Sultana Bushra also joined the last phase of the workshop. He interacted with the trained teachers on various issues and promised to distribute the necessary robotics materials to all the schools very soon. There was a lot of interest throughout the event. We hope that through the teachers here, the message of programming and robotics will reach thousands of students in the upazila in the future. So that they can take a hand in this matter.