Blog & News

Official blog of Bangladesh Open Source Network


Programming 2016 : Crash course on programming held in Chittagong

A 8 days long programming crash course was held in Chittagong from 1st March to 8th March. The course covered the issues of C/C++, data structure, discrete math, basic algorithm and problem solving technique.  Chittagong Junior Coder in association with BdOSN organized the coding crash course.

The course facilitated by Towfiqul Islam, Fohadullah Mezbah, Rashid Al Shafee and Arif Haider. Students also learn how to participate in a online contest.

As part of its celebrating Programmig 2016 activities, BdOSN in association with different organization arranges workshop, course and training programme in different areas of the country.

Photos of the event are avaialble here.




Programming 2016 : Adda at Rajuk Uttara Model College

Learn, practice and learn - is the most imporatnt tools to be a programmer. To be a good programmer one needs to study a lot as well as write a good number of programme by oneself. This was revealed in a Programming Adda at the capital's Rajuk Uttara Model College held on 5th March Saturday.

Mr Hammad Ali, teacher of BRAC university and Mr Tahmid rafi, CEO of Dimik Computing school address in the occassion. There are around 400 students participated in the adda and asked different questions to the panelist.

Later students are informed about the National High School Programming Contest 2016 and requested to join the show on 11th March at Dhaka University.


Programming 2016 : Workshop held in Dhaka

Participants of the workshop

Workshop on computer programming was held on 28th February, 2016 in the CSE Lab of Daffodil International University Dhaka. Around 20 students participated in this day long workshop and learn some basic technique for doing better programme.Most of the participants are university students while few are from high school.

The topics covered in the workshops includes but not limited to basic Number theory and Recursion, Dynamic Programming and Binary Search.  basic data structures etc. 

Mr Tarif Ezaz, Coach of NorthSouth University Programming and Mr labbib Rashid from the same university conducted the workshop while Mossarrof Hossain provided the logistics support.

Mr Munir Hasan, General Secretary of BdOSN spend some times with the participants.

As part of its Programming 2016 celebration, BdOSN organized the first workshop of a series of workshops.



Understanding and hard working is necessary for programming career

Programmer Jhankar Mahmud said that not only hardworking but also understanding and acquiring the necessary skills are equally important for a programming career. While talking in a Programming Adda by BdOSN, the US based programmer asked the newbie's to devote themselves to know the basics first. He said that solid foundation is very essential for any language. However, he assures that it is not absolutely necessary to have a CS degree to become a programmer.

As part of the celebration "Programming 2016" BdOSN arranged this seminar on 26th February, Friday at Bisso Sahitto kendra, Dhaka. More than 100 enthusiastic students and fresh graduates listen to him.

Mr Mahbub recenly wrote a book on programming titled "হাবলুদের জন্য প্রোগ্রামিং" (Programming for dummies) and answered different questions after his presentation.

Mr Promi Naheed, Treasurer of BdOSN welcome the audience in the programme.

The programme was sponsored by FM plastic.




BdOSN Talks-3 held

The power of information is enormous and it empowers people to do good. Dr Ashir Ahmed, Associate Professor of Kiyosu University of japan, explains in details how power of information changes the life of a small village in Bangladesh. He was talking at the BdOSN Talks-3 in Bisso Sahitto Kendra on 25th February, 2016. BdOSN organized the talk with the support from Priyo dot com and ET Calling.

Dr Ahmed explain how accessing news papers changes the though pattern and their dreams of a village people. He explain how that also created opportunities of employment as well. Dr Ahmed talks about his various project and said that one can achieve his goal if he is consistent and hard working.

A detail summery of the talks is available here.


Observing 2016 as the year of computer programming

Bangladesh Open Source Network observing 2016 as the year for computer programming. The official confirms that they observing the year t promote, opularize the computer programming among the students. For last couple of years, BdOSN working in the filed of popularizing computer programming among the students of the country and tested few concept in this regards. Last year, BdOSN conducted a simple survey among the CS and CS Related students in the country and found that only 7% are interested in programming. For the girls the programming interest females are less than 1%. Presently around 40,000 students are pursuing degree in CS/Related subjects. To change the scenario BdOSN decided to work on popularizing Programming in the country for a year. 


BdOSN became Execution Partner of NHSPC2016

Bangladesh Open Source network (BdOSN) signed an MoU recently with ICT Division, Government of Bangladesh to support initiative of national High School Programming Contest (NHSPC)-2016. Md Lafifa Jamal, Vice President of BdOSN and Mr harun-or-Rashid, Additional Secretary of ICT Division signed on behalf of respective parties. According to the MoU, BdOS will provide all logistics, academic and contest support to organize NHSPC 2016. This year, there will be  16 regional contest winners of which will move to National Program to be held in Dhaka. Besides the contest, BdOSN will also facilitated the mentors and facilitators taining, 64 district workshop and the National High School Programming Camp.


National Girls Programming Contest held with enthusiasm

63 teams consisting of 3 girls in each team from across the country mark the successful completion of National Girls Programming Contest (NGPC)-2015 held on 12th December at Daffodil International University campus Dhaka. SUST Twinkle, solving four out of six problems became the champions while CUET Sparkles and DU Team 1 became first and second runner up respectively. Advocate Zunaid Ahmed Palak, MP honourable state minister of ICT handed over the prizes to the winners. Codewizerd of 3 high school girls tops among the high school category. A special prize was also awarded to the youngest team from Netrokana. The three members were 10, 11 and 11 years old.


Computer Science Education Week 2015 Celebration


BdOSN will celebrate the Computer Science Education Week from 7-15th December 2015. A nationwide actvities were planned to mark this wee which includes but not limited to Hour of Code, Online Programming Contest, National Girls Programming contest etc. The preparatory activities will beging with a "Programming Adda" to be held in Biswa Sahitya Kendra on 21st November at 4pm. 


Python Code Sprint Held

First ever Python Code Sprint organized jointly by Bangladesh Computer Council (BCC) and Bangladesh Open Source Network (BdOSN) ended succesfully on 15th June 2015. On the closing ceremony, Mr S M Ashraful Islam, executive director of BCC handed over the certificates to 18 participants. He wishes that the participants will be able to apply the technique and knowledge in their professional life. The occasion was also address by Mr Enamul Kabir, Director, Training of BCC, Enayet Hossain Rajib, Joint Secretary of BdOSN and Mr Tanvir Shuvo the camp coordinator.