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Official blog of Bangladesh Open Source Network


Girls in ICT Day : Celebration begins

The 10 days long 'Girls in ICT " activities in Bangladesh stsrted with open house day and online programming contest. On 21st April girls visited Bording Vista, a offshore software house in Uttara Dhaka and on 23rd April some other girls visited UY System at Mohakhali. In both the locatins, the participants learn the various scope in the respective companies and they have been answered with their questions. Md.Shariful Islam, Team Leader, Retail and Toll Group and  Mr Palle Bo Hansen facilitated the visit while Ms Farhana A Rahman , Dr Sultana and Ms Eti helped the participants to fullfiled their queries. Ms Kaniz Fatem, Mr All Rabbi and Mr Mosarof hossain coordinate on behalf of the organizars. In this week more participants will visit Digicon Technologies, Grameen Phone, Samsung RDI, Bosundhara P1, Graphic people, D-net, Microsoft Bangladesh Ltd, Brac IT Services and windmill infotech limited.

On 21st April more than 200 girls participated in an online programing contest. They were challnges with five problems to solve within three hours. The top 10 perfermers will be awarded prize at the closing ceremony of girls in ict programme. 

Bangladesh Open Source Network (BdOSN) and Bangladesh Women in IT (BWIT) are jointly organized different progammes in different cities of the country to celebrate the ITU's International Girls in ICT Day.